The Cost of Keeping a Rabbit: How Much Do They Really Cost?

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Written By 3sm1y

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The cost of keeping a rabbit can be surprisingly expensive, with expenses including housing, feeding, and maintenance. While the initial purchase of a rabbit can be relatively cheap or even free from a rehoming or rescue center, ongoing costs can add up.

The Cost of Keeping a Rabbit: How Much Do They Really Cost?


The Initial Cost

Keeping a rabbit may be relatively cheap in terms of the initial cost of purchasing or adopting one, but the expenses quickly add up when it comes to housing, feeding, and general care.

Cost Of Purchasing A Rabbit

When considering the cost of owning a rabbit, one of the first expenses to take into account is the initial cost of purchasing the rabbit itself. The cost of a rabbit can vary depending on various factors such as breed, age, and where you choose to purchase it.

While some rabbits can be fairly inexpensive to purchase, especially if obtained from a re-homing or rescue center where a donation is often welcomed, others may come with a higher price tag. The breed and lineage of the rabbit can greatly influence its price. Rare or exotic breeds, for example, may be more expensive to purchase than more common ones.

Additionally, the age of the rabbit can also impact its cost. Generally, younger rabbits are more expensive than older ones due to the higher demand for baby bunnies. However, adult rabbits may be a more cost-effective option for those on a budget.

Additional Costs For Supplies And Equipment

Aside from the initial cost of purchasing a rabbit, there are several additional expenses to consider when calculating the overall cost of rabbit ownership. These include the cost of supplies and equipment needed to properly care for your furry friend.

The list of necessary supplies for a rabbit can be extensive and includes items such as a cage or hutch, bedding, food and water dishes, litter, toys, grooming tools, and more. These items can quickly add up, and it’s important to budget for them before bringing a rabbit into your home.

In addition to the initial purchase and ongoing supply costs, it’s also essential to factor in the cost of veterinary care. Rabbits, like any other pet, require regular check-ups, vaccinations, and potential medical treatments. These costs can vary depending on your location, but it’s always a good idea to have a financial plan in place for unforeseen veterinary expenses.

The Cost of Keeping a Rabbit: How Much Do They Really Cost?


Housing And Enclosure

Rabbit ownership may start off cheap with affordable purchases, but the costs quickly add up when it comes to housing, feeding, and maintaining the rabbit. It’s important to consider the ongoing expenses when budgeting for a pet rabbit.

Cost Of Rabbit Hutch Or Cage

When it comes to providing a safe and comfortable living space for your rabbit, the cost of a suitable hutch or cage is an important consideration. A rabbit hutch or cage should be spacious enough for your furry friend to hop around and stretch their legs without feeling cramped. It should also have solid flooring to protect their sensitive feet.

The cost of a rabbit hutch or cage can vary depending on its size and quality. A basic hutch or cage can cost around $50 to $100, while a more spacious and durable option can range from $100 to $300. If you are looking for a high-end option with additional features such as multiple levels or an attached run, the cost can go up to $500 or more.

Tip: Consider buying a second-hand rabbit hutch or cage to save some money. Just make sure to thoroughly clean and sanitize it before introducing your rabbit to their new home.

Accessories And Bedding Costs

In addition to the hutch or cage, there are other essential accessories and bedding materials that you will need to provide a comfortable environment for your rabbit.


  • Rabbit food bowls
  • Water bottle or dispenser
  • Chew toys and tunnels for mental stimulation
  • Hay rack or feeder for fresh hay
  • Litter box for easy clean-up


  • Wood shavings or pellets
  • Paper-based bedding
  • Hay or straw for nesting

The cost of accessories and bedding can vary depending on their quality and quantity. On average, you can expect to spend around $50 to $100 on these items initially, with ongoing monthly costs of $20 to $40 for replacements and refills.

Tip: Consider using eco-friendly alternatives, such as recycled paper bedding or organic hay, to reduce your rabbit’s environmental impact and potential health risks.

Feeding And Nutrition

Owning a rabbit can come with unexpected costs. While rabbits themselves can be inexpensive or even free, the expenses for housing, feeding, and maintaining them can add up. It’s important to consider the ongoing monthly costs before deciding to keep a rabbit as a pet.

One of the important aspects of keeping a rabbit is ensuring they have a healthy and balanced diet. Feeding and nutrition are crucial for their overall well-being and long-term health. Let’s explore the different aspects of the cost of feeding a rabbit.

Cost Of Rabbit Food

Rabbit food is a staple in your furry friend’s diet. The cost of rabbit food can vary depending on various factors such as brand, quality, and quantity. On average, a bag of rabbit food can cost around $10 to $20, which typically lasts for a month. It is important to choose high-quality rabbit food that is specifically formulated for their dietary needs. This ensures that they receive all the essential nutrients for their growth and development.

Fresh Greens And Vegetables Expenses

In addition to rabbit food, fresh greens and vegetables are also essential for a rabbit’s diet. Including a variety of fresh greens and vegetables in their daily meals provides them with important vitamins and minerals. The cost of fresh greens and vegetables can vary depending on their availability and seasonality. On average, you may need to budget around $10 to $15 per week for purchasing fresh greens and vegetables for your rabbit.

It is important to note that rabbits have specific dietary requirements, and not all fruits and vegetables are safe for them to consume. Some vegetables, such as lettuce, can cause digestive issues and should be given in moderate amounts. It is best to consult with a veterinarian or do thorough research to ensure you are providing the right type and amount of fresh greens and vegetables for your rabbit.

To sum up, feeding a rabbit involves the cost of rabbit food, which typically costs around $10 to $20 per month, and the expenses of fresh greens and vegetables, which can amount to around $10 to $15 per week. By investing in high-quality rabbit food and providing a balanced diet, you can ensure your rabbit stays healthy and happy.

The Cost of Keeping a Rabbit: How Much Do They Really Cost?


Healthcare And Veterinary Costs

Owning a rabbit may initially seem affordable, but the costs of housing, feeding, and maintaining them can add up quickly. While rabbits can be a reasonably priced pet to acquire, they require ongoing expenses for their well-being.

Owning a rabbit involves more than just providing food and shelter. As responsible pet owners, it is crucial to consider the ongoing healthcare and veterinary costs associated with keeping a rabbit happy and healthy. Here are some key factors to keep in mind:

Routine Check-ups And Vaccinations

Just like any other pet, rabbits require regular check-ups and vaccinations to ensure their overall well-being. Routine vet visits help identify any potential health issues early on and prevent them from becoming more serious.

  • Routine check-ups help monitor your rabbit’s weight, dental health, and overall physical condition.
  • Vaccinations protect your rabbit from common diseases, such as rabbit viral hemorrhagic disease and myxomatosis.
  • These preventive measures not only keep your rabbit healthy but also save you from potential expensive treatments in the long run.

Additional Costs For Spaying Or Neutering

Spaying or neutering your rabbit is an important step to prevent health issues and unwanted litters. It is recommended to spay or neuter your rabbit, especially if you have a mixed-gender pair or if you want to prevent aggression or territorial behaviors.

  • Spaying or neutering not only prevents unwanted pregnancies but also reduces the risk of certain cancers.
  • The cost of spaying or neutering can vary depending on your location and the veterinarian’s fees. It is essential to budget for this procedure as part of your rabbit’s healthcare expenses.

By considering routine check-ups, vaccinations, and the cost of spaying or neutering, you can ensure that your rabbit receives the necessary healthcare to live a happy and healthy life. Remember, investing in your rabbit’s well-being will save you from potential expensive treatments down the road.

Ongoing Expenses

The ongoing expenses of keeping a rabbit can be surprisingly expensive, including costs for housing, feeding, and maintaining their well-being. While rabbits can be cheap to acquire, the expenses of caring for them should be carefully considered.

Cost Of Hay And Litter

Ongoing expenses for rabbit owners include the cost of hay and litter. Rabbits need a constant supply of hay to keep their digestive system healthy. A high-quality hay, such as timothy hay, is recommended for rabbits and can cost around $10 to $20 per month. It’s important to provide fresh hay every day to ensure that your rabbit has something to chew on and keep their teeth from overgrowing. Additionally, litter is another ongoing expense for rabbit owners. Rabbits can be litter trained, making it easier to clean up after them. The cost of litter can vary depending on the type you choose. Wood shavings can cost around $10 to $15 per bag, while paper-based litter can range from $15 to $20 per bag. It’s important to choose a litter that is safe for rabbits and absorbs odors effectively. To save on costs, some rabbit owners opt to use hay as litter. This can be a cost-effective option, as it serves both as bedding and as something for the rabbit to nibble on. However, keep in mind that this may require more frequent cleaning to maintain a clean and odor-free environment for your furry friend.

Toys, Grooming, And Other Miscellaneous Expenses

In addition to hay and litter, there are other ongoing expenses to consider when keeping a rabbit. Toys are essential for keeping rabbits mentally stimulated and preventing boredom. Rabbits love to chew, so providing them with a variety of toys and chew items is important. Prices for rabbit toys can range from $5 to $20 each, depending on the type and quality. Grooming is another ongoing expense for rabbit owners. Rabbits are known for their beautiful fur, but it requires regular grooming to keep it in good condition. Brushes specifically designed for rabbits can cost around $10 to $15. Regular grooming also helps prevent matting and hairballs, which can be harmful to their health. Other miscellaneous expenses may include annual vet check-ups, vaccinations, and potential medical emergencies. It’s important to budget for these unexpected costs to ensure the well-being of your rabbit. To summarize, ongoing expenses for keeping a rabbit include the cost of hay and litter, toys, grooming, and other miscellaneous expenses. It’s important to consider these costs before deciding to bring a rabbit into your home to ensure you can provide them with the care and environment they need to thrive.

Frequently Asked Questions On The Cost Of Keeping A Rabbit: How Much Do They Really Cost?

How Expensive Is Owning A Rabbit?

Owning a rabbit can be cheap to purchase, but they can be surprisingly expensive to house, feed, and maintain.

Are Rabbits Cheap To Keep?

Rabbits are initially inexpensive to obtain, but the cost of housing, feeding, and maintaining them can be surprisingly high. Re-homing or rescue centers may offer rabbits for free or at a low cost, but ongoing expenses can add up.

How Much Does Rabbit Food Cost Per Month?

Rabbit food typically costs around $20 per month.

Are Rabbits Worth Buying?

Rabbits can be cheap to buy, but they can be expensive to care for, with costs for housing, feeding, and maintenance. They require proper care and attention, so make sure you’re ready for the responsibility.


While rabbits may appear to be affordable pets initially, the costs of owning and caring for them can add up. From providing a suitable enclosure and high-quality food to regular veterinary check-ups and other necessary supplies, the expenses can be surprisingly steep.

Therefore, it is important to carefully consider the financial commitment involved before bringing a rabbit into your home. Properly budgeting and planning for their needs will ensure that you can provide the best care for your furry friend.

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